Navitas Naturals Organic Raw Cacao Powder, Mayan Superfood, 16-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 2)

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Organic Milk Chocolate Blocks at Home: Tips on What to Buy and Use

Organic Milk Chocolate Blocks at Home: Tips on What to Buy and Use

People often times underestimate the simplicity of making chocolate and chocolate treats. In fact it can be ridiculously easy and inexpensive.

Often times with out busy life styles we feel that we do not have much time for anything. So we by microwave dinners, visit drive thrus, and buy prepackaged Foods.

Also, the horrors of buying processed individually rapped cakes!

There is nothing like homemade delicious Foods. It is the best hands down!

However, the key is not succumbing to the microwave society. We have to find quick solutions that have REAL ingredients.

I am surprised at all of the membership sites that are available to help with delicious recipes and dinner ideas.

For instance, I just found out that you can make homemade milk chocolate with only 5 ingredients!

Just think of all of the money that can be saved when making chocolate-based desserts!

Not to Mention eliminating all of the processed fake crap that is in the traditionally bought prepackaged stuff.

The 5 Ingredients are

Powdered Cocoa
Powdered Milk
Confectioner's Sugar

Powdered Cocoa

Buy the good stuff! Do not skip this step! Depending on what you are going for you can use organic cocoa powder or dark chocolate this will be up to you. There are a lot of great brands out there: Hershey, Ghirardelli, Navitas Naturals. This step is critical because you want to have a quality treat when you are finished. Choose a quality Cocoa!


Only a pinch is needed


This is what will hold the recipe altogether. There is a shortening that is organic by Spectrums. The consistency is fluffy and smooth.
It's great for confectioneries! Loved the results when I used it.
This is a stupendous alternative to other shortenings.

Powdered Milk

Where the milk in milk chocolate comes from. You can go organic. Which many of us are seeing the benefits of it. I found that the product Organic Valley Organic Nonfat Dry Milk Powder is definitely superior to other store brought powdered milks! The best part is that it does not have that "processed, plastic" taste that regular grocery store milks have. Plus, the fact that it is organic only adds to the wholesome nature of this item.

Confectioner's Sugar

I used to eat this by it self! Wholesome Sweetener's FAir Trade Organic Powdered Sugar has a wonderful taste to non-organic traditional powdered sugar. I also used this to make my homemade butter cream frosting for my cakes and the taste is amazing!! Everyone who eats it raves about how good it is. You can try another organic brand as well!

You need to know that you can be a bit naughty and still consume Foods that your body can break down. The easiest thing to do when you have a recipe is to simply substitute it for organic!!

navitas naturals organic raw cacao powder

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nutritious, Chocolaty Cacao Fudgesicle Recipe

Nutritious, Chocolaty Cacao Fudgesicle Recipe

Its summertime again and the hot weather is back. Everyone loves Popsicles as a quick treat to help them cool down. However, Popsicles sold at the grocery store are loaded with processed sugar and high amounts of fructose corn syrup - neither of which are considered healthy. This fudgesicle recipe avoids those negative traits and instead is very nutritious. These fudgesicles are made with cacao powder.

Cacao is an extremely nutritious superFood, one of the world's most powerful. It has been used for centuries in South America. It is an incredible source of antioxidants, magnesium and chromium. Cacao has high quantities of iron, zinc, copper, serotonin, tryptophan, and vitamin C. Not only does it taste good, but it can easily be used in numerous dishes. Why not give cacao a try? Below is a great recipe for summer than incorporates cacao in healthy fudgecicles.

Cacao Fudgesicles-

1/4 Cup Navitas Naturals Mesquite Powder
1/4 Cup Navitas Naturals Cacao Powder
1/2 Cup Coconut milk
1/2 Cup Water
2 Tbsp Agave nectar

Directions- Blend all of the ingredients together until smooth. Pour the mixture into Popsicle molds and freeze them for at least 6-8 hours.

What a great way to get a dose of antioxidants, magnesium and chromium all while avoiding the excessive sugar quantities that are common among all grocery store brand fudgesicles. Chocolate, nutritious eleMents, and a way to cool down. Who could ask for more than that? Try it out and enjoy this amazing recipe!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Health Should Come Easy For Today's Kids

Health Should Come Easy For Today's Kids

In the past twenty years a lot has changed in the world of everyday Foods. Not long ago, families woke up to a breakFast of orange juice made from a frozen concentrate, white toast with butter and jelly, scrambled whole eggs with bacon or sausage and a side of sugary cereal with low fat cow's milk. This was the norm back then and slowly the norm seems to be changing. Today, it is much easier to give kids healthy super Food options considering the plentiful amounts of new exotic super foods on the market- packaged and available for your everyday convenience.

Today, it is easy to wake up to a breakFast of Acai or fresh squeezed orange or tangerine juice, or a freshly blended smoothie. The white toast and butter could easily be substituted with whole wheat, oatmeal or spelt bread-a drizzle of honey or real fruit jam on the side. The scrambled eggs and bacon can be substituted with scrambled egg whites or tofu scramble. The bacon replaced by one of the many available soy protein 'bacon' and 'sausage' options available in your grocers freezer. Sugary cereal can be replaced with whole grain cereals free of artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners, yet still packaged to appeal to the scrutinizing eyes of children. Cow's milk, which is high in saturated fat and hormones, can easily be replaced with soy, rice or even almond milk, all much healthier alternatives.

SNACKS: Goodbye Ring Ding's and Ho Ho's, hello Snackimals and Uncle Eddie's

The snack world has always been a deal breaker for kids and healthy eating. Kids and candy go hand in hand and a childhood without treats would feel quite dull and deprived. But the definition of a treat is what is drastically changing in recent years. Back in the nineties, I recall seeing kids and teenagers toting treats for school snacks such as Hostess Donuts, Twinkies, Doritos, Fruit Snacks with gooey-green-sour-slime centers, and even bagels smothered in whole fat cream cheese. All of these choices are either high in sugar and/or high in saturated or trans fat. Not good. Today, the healthy snack marketplace is booming with healthy options for kids. There are cookies called Snackimals, high in flavor and fun yet low in fat and completely vegan. Healthy yet tasty granola bars and chips like Pirates Booty are also available and enjoyed as new age treats of today.

SUPERFOODS: Who needs vitamin pills when you have Vitamuffins, acai juice and soy.

Super foods are a hot trend. Super foods are foods that not only taste good, but offer some sort of healthy benefit or healing property. A few trendy super food qualities are omega fats, fiber, antioxidants, soy protein and phytochemicals. Companies like Navitas Naturals bring exotic super foods like goji berries into mainstream markets. Parents of kids today probably didn't have such plentiful options for purchasing super foods. They would've had to venture into an advanced Health Food store to find such delicacies as almond butter, acai berry juice, kombucha tea and coconut water. But today it is easy! Parents can easily put super foods into the forefront of kids diets. There should be absolutely no excuse for unhealthy children who grow into unhealthy adults. If kids embrace this new world healthy norm, I'd predict that rates of heart disease and cancer will plummet. However, the marketing and finance departMents have got to step in.

Marketing healthy foods to kids is tough especially when you have to compete against companies like Pepsi Cola, McDonalds and Hershey's. These companies market mainly to kids and teens, cheap costing, low nutrition foods. However there are a number of companies that are trying to step in where health food marketing agents have failed. Websites introduce children to fruits and veggies at a young age by creating fun characters and selling gift and apparel items. Kids can learn about and fall in love with a favorite fruit or vegetable from a very young age.


Here's a list of what I believe are the top kid friendly super foods out there:

1. Acai Juice: Companies like Samzabon, are packaging the juice of the Acai berry. Acai is very high in omegas, high in protein and fiber (for a juice) and rich in vitamins. It's somewhat chocolaty taste makes for an excellent substitute for apple or grape juice.

2. Soy, Rice and Almond Milk: It may seem like a simple substitution, but it will change your child's life. Especially if your child suffers from lactose intolerance or asthma symptoms. Giving up cow's milk and dAiry products will be a huge boost in your child's health, as they will benefit from the natural healing properties of soy, rice and almonds. You can learn about alternative milk ideas at

3. Baby Carrots: OK, so you might think carrots are not very glamorous, but try setting a bowl of carrots and hummus dip in front of your child as an after-school snack and I promise they will catch on quickly. Baby carrots are sweet flavored and high in vitamin A. Nix the chips for carrots and you have done wonders.

4. Coconut Water: A beverage trend in the marketplace today is pure coconut water. Coconut water is an excellent replaceMent for those sugary sports drinks your kid's love. Twelve ounces of coconut water contains as much potassium as a banana and fifteen times the amount of potassium in an average sports drink. Plus no sugar and no fat means you are adding only 60 calories of refreshment to your diet. Try it and you'll be amazed. Zico brand has different flavors like orange peel and passion fruit.

5. Snackimals and Uncle Eddies: Ok we all love cookies, some of us prefer soft chewy flavors, and other like the sweet crispy crunch of a cookie bite. I have a healthy option for both tastes! If you like crispy cookies, try Snackimals brand cookies. Four flavors, all vegan and ridiculously healthier than your average trans fat containing grocery store brand. For soft cookie fans, try Uncle Eddies Vegan Cookies. Though the calorie content is still high, the nutritional value is leagues above traditional cookie brands.

6. Fizzy Lizzy: Soda Pop addicts, I'm talking to you. Kids are synonymous with carrying around those 20 ounce bottles of high sugar, artificially flavored sodapop. But now there is an effervescent option! Fizzy Lizzy is just one brand that has reclaimed the carbonated beverage industry. If it's bubbles you crave try this option with no artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners, and you will be back on track and still satisfied. New lighter in calorie options from Fizzy Lizzy are even available.

7. Kashi Mighty Bites Cereal: We've all dove into a big bowl of sweet cereal at some point in our lives, and its true that there's nothing better....until now! Take a stroll with your kids down the health food cereal aisle and let them check out box covers galore. There are several kid themed cereal options with a hidden healthy ingredient list. Kashi's Mighty Bites Cereal is just one great option.

8. Farmers Market Produce: It's fun, it's yummy and it's a great way to spend a Saturday morning with your kids. Turn off the cartoons and take a stroll through a local farmers or green market. Taste different foods and let your kids pick out their our produce. Give them a budget of ten to twenty Dollars to buy whatever healthy foods they'd like. I guarantee they will use up the enTire budget and love every minute of it. Afterwards, let them peruse The Lunchbox Bunch website and discuss all the different types of produce they saw.

9. Jamba Juice: Fast food just got healthy. It's simple, skip the burger joint and get a smoothie. You can even get a few sideline healthy treats like Pirates Booty and Luna Bars at most Jamba Juice joints. Try an all fruit smoothie, or ask to substitute the sherbet and frozen yogurt for fruit.

10. Vitamuffins: Another cool innovation for this generation. Inside every yummy plump muffin are 100% RDA of many vitamins and minerals. It's like a vitamin supplement only tastier! Vitamuffins are also very high in fiber and come in a few different flavors like blueberry and chocolate chip. Yum. Not vegan, however.